Where the fuck is here??
the fuck if i know ??

Sex facts
You may or maynot know
Vibrators were actually invented for something else
The vibrator was originally invented in the 19th century as a way to reduce “hysteria.” That seems a little extreme. However, we do not recommend testing that theory by taking away a woman’s vibrator to see if she goes into a hysterical fit. That’s just dangerous.
The first thing people do after sex is…
Forget post-coital cuddling! According to a poll by consumer electronics site Retrevo.com, 36 percent of people under the age of 35 check their Facebook and Twitter accounts after a roll in the hay. Hopefully, they are not posting any pictures!
Sperm is a natural anti-depressant
According to a study conducted on 293 female college students at the State University of New York in Albany, exposure to semen can lower symptoms of depression. And it’s mighty healthy: One teaspoon of semen contains over 200 proteins and several helpful vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin
Your average healthy man produces approximately 300 million sperms in just a teaspoon of his semen. However it only takes one little swimmer to fertilize a woman's egg and it can live for up to a week inside your body.
Orgasms are good for your health!
T hey can lower a women's risk of heart disease, stroke, breast cancer and even depression.
This site was created a few years ago. Never did much with it. Since I still have it I might as well use it.... I have links to all my other profiles. I have a few. Some of them (most) are SassySarah, but some are Jezabella also. So if you click on a link and it takes you to a Jezabella page that is me.
More about me on the about me page.
If you make it here leave me a message and let me know you were here. Please and thank you!!
Almost a third of all women over 80 years of age still have sex with their spouse or boyfriend.
Oh Ya!!
Keep on ... looking around. Lots of stuff to check out.